Leigh Anne Neal
Leigh Anne opened Nirvana Yoga back in 2006 as an extension of her own healing path. In fact, yoga quite literally disrupted her life plan, creating space for new choices. She identifies as a southern, queer, radical artist that lives on purpose through her teaching. Her beliefs include and are not limited to: no government without indigenous representation, land back, land stewardship, equality, uninstalling racism, dismantling the patriarchy, restructuring colonialism and capitalism, new models of education, moving from criminal justice towards reparative/restorative justice, saving mother earth from greedy corporations, ceasing the continued American occupation of other lands, including America, and free, quality healthcare for all.
Leigh Anne's classes are well crafted sequences in the traditional style of Vinyasa Krama which means to step in a certain way that leads in a certain direction and are consistently interwoven with her worldview and activism. Leigh Anne honors all of her teachers in the healing arts and draws specific integrity from TKV Desikachar, Sean Tebor, Swami Jaya Devi, Sonya Renee Taylor, Colin Hall, Shayla Stonechild, WildBody Somatics, Marlysa Sullivan, and her mother, Michelle Neal. She holds the E-RYT 500 and YACEP certifications through Yoga Alliance and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Georgia State University in 2016 with a degrees in Psychology and Music. This moment she is speaking into reality some plans for 2021 that include attending grad school in Canada and Norway and purposing more boundaried time for creative self expression and radical self love.